GC 2.5.3 released

Earlier today, Golden Crayon version 2.5.3 was released. Notable changes include the addition of a sound source volume adjustment feature, separation of stream volume from music volume, and a faster and better updater. If you need to make any bug reports, send them to tunmi13

Alexa promoted, goldvaluator position filled.

This evening, Alexa was confirmed as Golden Crayon’s newest member of staff. This comes after MatthewSmithYT announced that another goldvaluator was needed back on the third of February.

Main Map Contest Results are In, Marc Declared the Winner

The final results for the main map contest are in. The winning map was MarcsMain with seven votes. Tunmi and Matthew’s main had five votes, Wong’s main and Istek’s main had two votes each, and Alan’s main as well as Eric104’s main had a single vote. Two players also cast their votes in opposition to … Read more

Final Day of Voting Begins

Today is the final day to vote on the winner of Tunmi’s Main Map Contest! We at the golden reporter look forward to seeing the results, which will be released within the next few days! You can find our previous reporting on the contest here and here The winning entry will become the new main … Read more

Patrick Promoted

We appologize for the late reporting, however as of Friday Afternoon, February 10, Patrick, also known as BrailleScreen, has had their adminship restored. This comes after Tunmi demoted him without warning back in January.

Community Cans Conner

Yesterday evening, it was decided by staff as well as online players that a vote on whether to use rule 10, community failure, against the player Conner should take place. This player, according to numerous members of the community, has repeatedly violated rules 1, 4, and 5. When the vote was closed officially around 7:30 … Read more

GC Version 2.5.2 released.

Golden Crayon version 2.5.2 has been released, bringing to the game several bug fixes, ease of use improvements, and a few new features. Most notably, voice chat has been introduced, as well as a way to access the settings while connected to the server. For builders, there is now an option in the builder to … Read more

“Next update to introduce Voice Chat,” Tunmi says.

According to Tunmi13, the next client update should be available soon, introducing voice chat as well as chatting zones, which will control the availability of said feature across the game. We at the Golden Reporter will provide updates as more information is made public.

Main Map vandalized, culprit yet to be found.

Yesterday, players and admins alike were bewildered to find that the main map had been tampered with. The entire front side of the main building, not including the door, as well as the roof and eastern wall were removed. Staff members were unable to fix the problem until this afternoon. The developer as well as … Read more

Main map contest voting begins.

Voting on the winner of Tunmi’s main map contest has begun and is set to last until next Monday, February 13. The vote consists of 14 options. Out of the fourteen, thirteen are player submitted maps and the last is the option to keep the current main map, built back in 2021. After the discovery … Read more