As of Sunday February 5, 2023
The following rules will serve as a general guideline for the moderation team of Golden Crayon. The staff will strive to adhere to the intent of the rules to the best of their ability, however, every situation is unique. As such, moderators and administrators have a degree of discretion in interpreting and enforcing the rules and determining appropriate punishment.
It is important to note that these rules apply to all players, regardless of rank or position.
1: Spamming
Spamming is generally seen as any actions that are repeated multiple times, or serve no actual purpose other than to cause annoyance or negatively affect a player’s ability to complete any given task within the game.
Spamming is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to…
Chat: posting the same message multiple times, posting large amounts of irrelevant content, and using automated methods to post content.
Maps: Quickly pressing doors and travelpoints, as well as using timed sources/ambiances in order to produce loud sounds.
Onoffs: Using sounds that are longer than 5 seconds, or using sounds that are considered to be disturbing and loud.
ACcounts. Creating more than one account to access the game, or to generally break the game by using illegal characters.
Note: screen reader spam, such as using j strings and crashcodes are also not allowed in public chat. If you wish to use screen reader manipulatives, you should use map chat or private messages.
2: Sensitive and/or private information
The sharing of personal information that does not belong to you, including passwords, names, phone numbers, addresses, etc, is strictly prohibitted. Any violations of this rule will result in harsh consequences.
3: Discrimination
Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nation of origin, or age.
4: Graphic/offensive content
Do not post content that could be considered disturbing to others, including graphic violence, overly-sexual content or media containing rape or suicide. If you must post this material for whatever reason, please ensure to include a content warning so as to alert sensetive groups.
5: Harassment
Do not engage in any activity that could be considered harassment, bullying, or threatening behavior towards other members of the community. The severity of the offense will dictate the extent of the consequences.
Note: You, as the player, are expected to take advantage of the commands provided to you to manage some situations yourself. In other words… No. We’re not going to mute their chat because they said something that you disagree with. For help with commands, type /help in the chat box or press ctrl+h.
6: Impersonation
Do not impersonate other players or falsely represent yourself. This can include setting your nickname to one that’s similar to that of another player, adding a staff flag such as admin or developer before your name, etc.
Note: as with all rules on this game, intent will be taken into consideration.
7: Staff
Follow the instructions of the Golden Crayon staff members. IF you believe their actions are unjustified, please reach out to tunmi13 first and foremost, or another trusted staff member. You are encouraged to use /feedback to do so.
8: Unauthorized code forks/malware
Do not share links to or encourage anyone to use any unauthorized code forks, phishing sites or malware.
9: Cheating/hacking
Cheating is not tolerated on the game under any circumstance, other than when specifically asked to do so by the developer. Cheating can include using scripts, key pressers, or any other non-human input. In addition, exploiting gaps in the codebase to gain unfair advantages, or to cause spam or lag, without informing the developer is not tolerated.
10: Community failure
The community reserves the right to remove any user that repeatedly becomes close to violating these rules and does so with malicious intent, and to take other actions as deemed appropriate providing community consensus is reached and agreed upon. This is intended to be used in only the most extreme circumstances, mainly for use on players who may not necessarily be breaking the rules, but are just below the point of consequences and are seen as a general neuscence within the community.
By continuing to play Golden Crayon, you understand that you have agreed to the rules, and also understand that there are no excuses other than those laid out in this document for breaking them.
If you do not agree to the rules, you are advised to delete your account and remove the game from your computer.