Image: Two frames are shown. The one on the left shows a picture of a new born baby talking to a person labelled Nice Man with a white van. The Crayla bot runs after thew New Born baby shouting, "Stranger! Danger!". The second fame shows an image of Crayla saying "Stranger Danger" to a new born baby. The baby sees a man labelled "Scarry man with a white van" and runs away. The first frame is labelled "current", the second is labelled "should be!".
Continuing from our last article, many believe that Crayla isn’t quite up to the task of training new users, with many thinking you have to stumble into things in order for crayla to teach. Some are suggesting a complete revamp of the AI assistant, to make it smarter and better at teaching, while some users, example coach took it upon themselves to create training maps to teach newbies the ropes. It is unknown if the developer has plans or not to redesign Crayla or not.