French Revolutionary Style disorder continues!

Image: An image of a stereotypical French person shown. It is caption, "Oui, oui, baguette!".

After three days of inactivity, tunmi13’s neglect of golden crayon has resulted in spirts of ultimate anarchy amongst some of the playerbase, having left all the work load to Pentaholic the admin. Pentaholic is now struggling under the pressure and (Themself disagreeing with certain things tunmi13 has done) they are considering the possibility of stepping down from their post. A sixth wave of protest was iniciated by the player lightning (previously holding hope for the mess that Tunmi13 has left the game in) and blindgamer assisted by the player stasp. This relatively small wave in comparason to before included spamming long online and offline messages, runtiming the f5 menu and changing the main map with a previously thought to be fixed bug. Lightning said that "Tunmi13 has burned the remaining hope i had for the game at the stake by not returning to attempt and fix the disaster he has created.". Furthermore, Tunmi13 has ignored calls from players directly further enforcing the extreme neglect and lack of care for his once promising creation. Will Pentaholic crack under the pressure and step down from Their post? Will Tunmi13 come back to attempt to fix the mess he’s caused? and will anarchy continue to reign over Golden Crayon for the forseeable future?

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